Thu, June 6, 2024

 -  19h

Centre Pompidou, Petite salle
Free entry, limited seats available

After a Fictions-Science session on shared movement between musicians and listeners in concert, and another on optimized movement for athletes and musicians, we continue our series on the body in all its digital states with a session on the "virtuoso body".

What is the quality of movement? How can we talk about it, how can we quantify it? And what can movement express? How can we learn and master this expression? How is technology renewing the relationship between music and movement? We'll be tackling these questions with Sara Fdili Allaoui, a researcher in human-computer interaction and a dancer who has developed a reflection on the quality of movement, and Liz Santoro, who studied neuroscience at Harvard before embarking on a career as a choreographer and dancer and Alexandre Lacroix, whose new work, La danse. Philosophie du corps en mouvement was recently published by Éditions Allary.

Alexandre Lacroix author, journalist, editor-in-chief of Philosophie Magazine
Sarah Fdili Alaoui teacher-researcher at the laboratoire de recherche informatique (LRI) at Paris-Saclay university
Liz Santoro choreographer and dancer

Discussions led by Céline Loozen producer France Culture

Coproduction IRCAM/Bibliothèque publique d’information/La Parole-Centre Pompidou.
Image : Dancers © František Drtikol (1930) - Courtesy of the Museum of decorative arts in Prague